Small Business Grants for Veterans

Small Business Grants for Veterans

Often retired, working or service disabled Veterans look for opportunities to start their businesses but lack of funds and assistance cause a barrier in the fulfillment of their dreams. As per the SBA 2012 Veterans’ Report, there are almost 2.4 million businesses run by Veterans in the country which are still escalating.

To boost further growth and development of businesses the government, state and recognized agencies offer funding aid, grants and benefit programs to Veterans for their undertakings. This has created better prospects for Veterans to accomplish their goals.

List of Small Business Assistance Programs for Veterans

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)

The SBA has multiple plans and business programs that assist Veterans and service related disabled Veterans to establish their independent business undertakings. The programs offer the required resources like planning, training, survey, customers, etc that help in commencing, functioning and developing of small businesses. The following are the list of programs offered:

·         Starting a business
·         Growing a business
·         Financing a business
·         Mentoring and training
·         Selling to the government

Besides, SBA offers many loan programs like Patriot Express Pilot Loan, Military Reservist Economic Injury Disaster Loan (MREID) and Express Loan Program that offers loans up to $350,000.

Office of Veterans Business Development

Administered by SBA, the Office of Veterans Business Development offers many assistance programs and services to Veterans, helping them commence their independent businesses and procure government contracts for steady growth and development. Veterans interested in starting their venture can apply at the main office of SBA or in the state office where an official staff person is designated to guide applicants.

Moreover, Veterans can avail professional training, mentoring, counseling and ideas about business planning from the SBA Veterans Business Outreach Centers located in almost all regions. It gives a clear understanding of the procedures and the right proposal to start business.

Venture Capital Fund

Businesses owned, commenced, headed and managed by US Veterans can now avail Veterans’ Opportunity Fund (VOF), a venture capital fund offered for investment purpose. Eligible Veterans can obtain funds to maximum of $3 million for the growth and development of businesses specializing in specialty manufacturing, technology, business services and healthcare.

Self-Employment Grant Program

The Veterans Administration provides self-employment program to the service-disabled Veterans, enabling them to fund for marketing, training, supplies, licensing fees or buy equipment, inventory or any other start-up requirements. The Veterans just need to contact their VA office to apply for the program.

There are however, two groups---Category I and Category II. The former category is related to Veterans with severe service-related disabilities while the latter category relates to not so severe employment related disability. The grants depend on the category in which the Veterans belong. Submit your business plan in VA for consideration.

If you have served the nation before and now looking to invest in no-profit business then start applying for the small business programs specialized for Veterans for funds. Get information about the application procedures, resources and funding opportunities available, the eligibility criteria and start applying today.


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