Small Business Grants

Small Business Grants for Disabled Veterans to Start A Business

U.S. has more than 2.4 million businesses being operated by Veterans that has significantly contributed for the growth of the economy. Veterans have once served our nation and often post retirement find it tough to sustain their living, especially is they are disabled. Most of them possessing leadership and technical skills seek to commence their independent business but run out of finance to realize their dreams.

To help Veterans with their entrepreneurial goals the government, Veteran offices, states and accredited organizations offer financial assistance, loan programs, essential resources and striking ideas for the commencement and growth of business. There are also special programs for service related disabled Veterans. Start applying now to accomplish your business goals.

Small Business Grants that Disabled Veterans Can Apply for Small Business

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)

The SBA with its specialized Veterans Business Development (OVBD) offers the much needed assistance and backing to Veteran entrepreneurs seeking to start a business of their own. Its varied business programs like Starting a business, Growing a business, Financing a business, Mentoring and training, Selling to the government enable in entrepreneurial development and expansion.

SBA offers more than $1 billion loans for Veteran-owned businesses along with the essential resources like planning, survey, training, mentoring and customers for business start-ups. Some loan programs have also been initiated by SBA like Military Reservist Economic Injury Disaster Loan (MREID), Patriot Express Pilot Loan and Express Loan Program, offering up to $350,000.

Self-employment Grants for Veterans with Service Disability

The Veterans Administration grants the self-employment program for Veterans with service related disabilities. Interested applicants need to structure out a striking yet feasible business plan to be submitted and may receive funds for their business marketing, training, licensing fees and purchase of important supplies, equipment, inventory and other start up requirements. These funds are non repayable.

The Self-employment Grants has two divisions Category I or Category II that determine the funding amount. Category I is related to severe service-related disabilities while Category II addresses Veterans having serious but not severe employment challenges. Contact your local VA office to apply for the program.

Venture Capital Fund Serving Veterans

Businesses run by Veterans can obtain funds from the Veterans’ Opportunity Fund (VOF), the first venture capital fund that invests more than $3 million for the startup, growth and expansion of business undertakings. The funds are mostly granted for ventures associated with healthcare, technology, manufacturing and business services. Veterans need to submit an interesting business plan for selection.

Financial Assistance from Non-Profit and Local Governments

Veterans may also seek funds from some nonprofit organizations for their business undertakings. Several charities for Veterans may agree to lend financial assistance to eligible applicants. Moreover, local government, communities and Veteran offices can also offer support for the venture.

There are even certified SBA loans for disabled Veterans, funds from angel investment groups like Hivers and Strivers and assistance from organizations and local governments. Make thorough research about your funding sources, eligibility criteria and opportunities and start applying today for the Small Business Grants from disabled Veterans. 


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