Government Grants

Government Grants for Women for Financial Assistance

Low income single moms find it difficult to make ends meet and manage all responsibilities with the sole income she earns. With kids at home, the duties of mothers and the daily necessities increase further and hence the need for financial help also augments.

Idaho, ensuring a better and accomplished life for single mothers and her kids, provides innumerable assistance grants and benefit programs that fulfill all the basic needs and also cover for the expenses of daily life. Read through the article and start applying for the Government Grants for Women today.

List of Grants in Idaho for Single Mothers

Housing Assistance

Idaho grants housing assistance programs for single mothers to furnish them with well protected, safe and decent dwellings where their kids can grow. Purchasing a home with the sole income can be non-affordable for single mothers hence the state has initiated housing programs that help in both home ownership and also paying the rents on time.

·         Family Self-Sufficiency Program

·         Section 8 Housing Choice Program

·         Public Housing Program

·         Idaho Displaced Homemaker Programs

·         Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

Health Care Assistance

Single mothers have the constant worry of the health of their children but affording the exorbitant costs of medical care is a greater worry. Health care costs keep escalating hence mothers need financial assistance. Idaho offers the needed Government Grants for Women that pay for the expenses and also provides free medical benefits.

·         Medicaid health care coverage for low income families

·         Health Plan for uninsured children above 18 years who do not qualify for Medicaid

·         Children Health Insurance Plan

Child Care Assistance

Recognized and secured child care services are a necessity for single mothers to keep their children safe when they are out for work or for some other jobs for long hours. However, child care services are expensive to afford hence Idaho grants mothers with day care programs that aim at reducing the price and make it affordable to manage.

·      Child Care Subsidy Program where the state and the parent co-pays for the day care services. Parent can choose their child care provider. Family size and income are the basis for eligibility

College Education Assistance

If you are aiming for better job opportunity, promotions and high salary then additional qualifications can help in attaining them. Moreover, even kids need excellent educational facilities to boost up their lives but the expenses can be non-affordable. Hence the state offers educational grants and scholarships that help mothers fulfill their dream of going to college again.

·     Minority and “At-Risk” Student Scholarship awards low income talented students with $3,000 per year for a maximum of 4 years

·         Federal Pell Grant

·         The TEACH Grant

·         The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant

Other related Government Grants for Women in Idaho includes Temporary Assistance for Families in Idaho (TAFI), Food Stamp Program, Food Bank, Special Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC), Unemployment Insurance and Transportation. Start applying now and get your grants that fulfill your needs. 


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