Grants for Teen Single Mothers

Grants for Teen Single Mothers

Teen mothers often face frightening financial crisis situations in their daily life and need to struggle really hard to make both ends meet. Managing home rent, college, work, kids and fulfilling all necessities of life becomes a real challenge for teen moms especially with limited or no income and inadequate savings.

The federal government, states, nonprofits, organizations and communities extend help to young moms, offering them grant programs and assistance in almost all sectors that help them cope up with all their requirements even with insufficient income. If you are also a teen mother then start applying for the grants now.

Some Important Grants for Teen/Young Single Mothers

Housing Grants

Young mothers need a permanent and secured shelter for her kids for a safe and hygienic living. However, the high prices of real estate and the low income of teen mothers make it impossible to purchase a home. Sometimes, even paying off the rent becomes unfeasible with the limited income. 

The federal government, states, nonprofits and community agencies offer rental assistance and housing grants to help fulfillthe dream of attaining affordable shelter. Important housing grant benefits include:

·         Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
·         Public Housing Program
·         Housing Choice Voucher Program
·         Freddie Mac organization
·         Habitat for Humanity
·         Fannie Mae organization

Educational Grants

Young moms need to continue their education and attain higher degrees to get good paying jobs and best opportunities for growth to support their families. However, paying for the educational expenses and college fees is unaffordable for jobless or low income teen mothers hence most of them remain dropouts. The government, states and educational departments offer educational grants and scholarships (Grants for College - A Financial Aid for Single Mothers) to fund for the academic expenses and boost mothers to pursue their studies.

·         Federal Pell Grant
·         State Based Grants
·         Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants (FSEOG)
·         ‘Moms Return to School’ Scholarship
·         Patsy Takemoto Mink Education Foundation
·         The Jeanette Rankin Foundation Scholarship Program
·         Talbot Scholarship Foundation

Day Care Grants

Single mothers need to remain out of home for long hours to earn money or to pursue their education. So the need for reliable and safe child care centers is indispensible but that can be expensive and unaffordable. There are many day care grants (Day Care Grants for Single Mothers) and babysitting benefits for teen mothers to help them afford secured child care services and meet the expenses. These include:

·         Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG)
·         Head Start
·         Local Department of Health and Human Services
·         State Assistance  like Child Care Assistance and Child care tax benefits

Medical Grants

Medical expenses can be a huge worry for teen mothers as it consumes a substantial amount and can be unreasonably expensive. Healthcare needs like checkups, hospital payments, medicines, tests, regular checkups for kids generate huge medical bills that are impossible to pay especially with inadequate income and no health insurance. Teen moms can avail the free medical grants and healthcare benefit programs to cope up with the expenses.

·         Medicaid
·         Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
·         State Programs
·         Kidscare
·         Health Plan for uninsured children
·         Healthy Families Program

Besides these, there are other grants for teen mothers like Women, Infants and Children for Women, Infants and Children Special Supplemental Nutrition Program, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families for cash assistance, Food Stamp Program, Nutrition Assistance Program (NA), Unemployment Insurance and others. Look for the teen single mother grants and start applying now. 


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