Grants for Single Mothers in Alaska

Grants for Single Mothers in Alaska

Single mothers need to manage all responsibilities single handedly hence, they often face financial crisis. Low income mothers need to struggle to meet the basic necessities of life for her children like food, shelter, health care and education. Hence they need monetary assistance.

Alaska recognizes their needs and has initiated several grants and aid programs to offer them help with their daily requirements. The Grants for Single Mothers provide financial support and covers for the expenses. Read through the article to know about the grants that you can apply.

List of Grants in Alaska for Single Mothers

Housing Assistance

There are multiple responsibilities that single moms need to fulfill within her limited income and restricted savings hence, affording for house purchasing is a big challenge. Alaska has taken the initiative of meeting the rental expenses and offering affordable home purchasing options through varied housing grant programs administered by the federal government.

·         Public Housing Program

·         Housing Choice Voucher program

·         Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

·         Heating Assistance (HAP) Program

Day Care Assistance

Alaska offers eligible mothers with monetary assistance to avail the child care benefits when they need to go to work or to college to complete their pending education. The day care expenses are exorbitant hence; mothers need day care grants to meet the expenses. The Grants for Single Mothers programs offered are:

·         Parents Achieving Self Sufficiency (PASS) that is segregated in 3 three categories: PASS I, PASS II, and PASS III

Ø  In PASS I program, applicants getting benefited under the Temporary Assistance Program (TAP) receive child care assistance. Applicants need not contribute anything for the child care costs.

Ø  PASS II is applicable for families transitioning from TAP

Ø  PASS III is applicable for families who did not receive PASS I or PASS II
·         Alaska Inclusive Child Care Initiative

Health Care Assistance

Health care is an indispensable need for all but it can be a real hassle for single moms to bear the expensive medical costs with the modest earnings and limited bank balance. Alaska has initiated several healthcare programs in favor of pregnant women, single mothers and dependent children that help them meet the expenses and avail free benefits.

·         Medicaid Health Insurance Program

·         Denali Childcare (CHIP) low cost insurance for children

·         Chronic & Acute Medical Assistance Program (CAMA).

College Education Assistance

Single mothers in Alaska can avail educational grant programs that help them join back college and continue their education. The Grants for Single Mothers offer funds for tuition costs, books, admission and other academic expenses. Low income mothers can now attain their higher education and acquire best job opportunities.  The college grant program includes:

·        Alaska Advantage Education Grant (AEG) for eligible students attending post secondary institutions in the state. Grant awards from $500 to $2,000 are given per academic year

·         Federal Pell Grant

·         Alaska Academic Competitiveness Grant

·         Emu National Scholars Program

Alaska also offers Temporary Assistance Program (ATAP), Food Stamp Program, General Relief Assistance (GRA) to fulfill all basic needs, Unemployment Insurance (UI) Program, Family Nutrition Program, Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program (FMNP), Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSCF), Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD)—a yearly dividend by state government for Alaska residents and transportation facilities to mothers. Apply today for your grants in Alaska and get the needed financial help.


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