Easy Steps How to Apply for Free Personal Grants

Apply for Free Personal Grants

Private and Government foundations spend every year billions of dollars in grants money. Grant applications are, to on the contrary the regular belief, very easy and straight-forward and do not require reimbursement hence no credit checks. Individuals can avail as much as $50,000 in annual personal grant award after qualifying requirements.

Firstly it is quite simple to apply for personal grants by just browsing through the internet and making a thorough research about the best available grant resources. Money is awarded each year by the government for your daily needs and requirements so, just follow the stated guidelines, apply for the free grant money to pay bills and achieve your needed funds for a fulfilling life. 

Steps to Apply for Free Personal Grants

     At the onset, look for your grants in the government registered Grants.gov. site where you can find exhaustive information about your required grants program.

·   The Grants.gov site also lists the recognized names of 26 agencies or associations that offer the grants.You may either register with the site or browse through without registering. But registration is compulsory before applying for the grant.

·      Key in your search term or the important key word and search for the details of the grant. You may also search categories or by codes such as Funding Opportunity Number, Funding Opportunity Competition ID or Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance.

·         Check if the particular grant program suits your requirement. Read the synopsis thoroughly
·     Download a grant application form available in the PDF format and fill it up carefully reading the guidelines. Fill all the mandatory fields. Keep in mind, DO NOT use special characters like

Ø  Ampersands (&)
Ø  Asterisks (*)
Ø  Hyphens (-)
Ø  Virgules (/)
Ø  Percent signs (%)
Ø  Octothorpes (#)
Ø  Accent marks or blank spaces

·     Before submission check all details for errors or any left out information. You may have a DUNS number i.e. The Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number which is an identification number of nine digits. Also, check the following:
  Ø  All the important paperwork, documents and credentials must be attache
      Ø  They should be all cross checked and arranged in order of requiremen
     Ø  Attachment file should not have any special characters, accent marks or blank spaces and should not exceed 50 characters
      Ø  Compress file if there is any video, audio or graphic image 
  Ø  All attachment must be done according to the rules of the government agency offering the grant

·      While submitting, note down the applicant’s name and tracking number. It is important and may be required later to track the application.

·       Grants.gov will notify you with 2 business days, sending 2 emails. First for receiving the application and second to inform whether it is validated or rejected. You will receive 2 more mails from the agency if accepted. The agency will give you its own tracking number.

·      You can also check the Grants.gov site through the ‘Track My Application’ in the left navigation bar. Keep up with the tracking procedure for information about your application status. Don’t be heartbroken if you application is cancelled. You can apply again as there are no such limitations to re-application. Apply for the personal grants today and accomplish your essential needs with the money that never has to be repaid!


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